Stefan Nožinić

My first project was financial analysis software. I also did software development in automotive industry and now my main focus is distributed systems. Currently working on distributed file server at Nutanix. We have to design and develop software which works on PB-scale data storage. When not building software, I am mentoring young computer science students in Petnica Science Center as head of computer science department. When I was young, I used to write articles for e-magazine about free software which was hosted by LUGoNS. Big lover of functional programming paradigm and math.

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Formal specifications of systems - why and how?
Stefan Nožinić

Designing systems is difficult. Designing distributed systems is more difficult. Designing correct distributed systems becomes headache. In this talk, it will be shown how to approach towards more formal way of describing systems and what is motivation behind this approach. TLA+ and PlusCal will be shown as formal languages for formal system specification and how we can check our designs. During the talk, we will investigate some real world problems of real world systems and model-check them together!
