I was passionate about taking things apart since I was a kid, now my hobbies and work revolve around how things work.
People attending the presentation will have the chance to try out some of the tools and see an example access control system.
While exploring the interesting world of RFID, witnessing a disappointing amount of improper implementations of access control systems, and dealing with shady vendors for backdoored cards, I realized there is a need for the proper education of people and making sure they know what to look for.
Prior knowledge about any of the topics of this presentation is optional, and it is appropriate for both beginners and someone who might already know something about this topic.
While some of the techniques and demos might look like some James Bond-level magic, most of the stuff I will be demoing and talking about can be done with pretty inexpensive equipment (you might need to spend some money if you decide to go deep into research equipment) and without much prior learning.
If you want to find more about some kind of credential, please, bring it and I will take a look at it