Currently a PhD student at the University of Vienna, working together with the Industrial, Systems and IoT-Security group at SBA-Research. Previously worked several years as a software engineer in the field of mechanical simulation. Main interests are software reverse engineering and graphics programming.
Clue: This glorious competition pits the sharpest minds and greatest nerds of this illustrous community (or, whoever want's to participate really...) against each other in a battle of wits. Contestants show their prowess and speed in hitting buzzers as well as their knowledge about modern, ancient and archaic topics ranging from security to pop culture, while the audience revels in the geeky glory.
Answer: What is Hacker Jeopardy?
While the reverse engineering suite Ghidra is typically extended through its Java and Python APIs, these APIs hide many of the lower level details available in the decompiler component. Using this API makes it possible to access decompiler internals and integrate the decompiler into other tools (e.g. the Radare2/Rizin plugin). This talk gives an overview of the decompiler architecture and presents the tools we are building to make the decompiler more extensible.