
Using TRSE for development for retro computers
2024-09-22, 16:20–17:20 (Europe/Belgrade), Tesla

In the last decade or so many people started projects aimed to make development of games and demos for retro computers more accessible and to bring them to modern standards (whatever that means). Turbo Rascal Syntax Error (TRSE in short) is one such tool.

Talk aims to present TRSE as a retro-computing oriented IDE, then to showcase some of the games and demos made with it and at the end to introduce the audience to a simple demonstration that could be changed, expanded and run on real computers in Retro Room (or in your favorite emulator, if you prefer).

Alongside his regular job, Zarko is collecting, cleaning, fixing (mostly simpler stuff), programming and playing with 8-bit and 16-bit retro computers for more than 20 years. Come and meet in Retro Room!